To be ready to help Scotland’s patients at any time, we aim to stock six days’ worth of each blood type at all times.
See blood stock levelsAbout Blood
Are you the type to save a+ life?
Knowing your blood group is important. You can see your blood type on your donor card, or simply ask next time you give blood.
Blood typesCurrent blood stock levels

Journey of donated blood

Find out what happens to the blood you give.
Journey of donated bloodTell me about blood types

There are eight major blood groups. What's your type?
Blood types-
The journey of donated blood
Within 24 hours of giving blood, your donation is ready to save lives.
Blood components
Red cells. White cells. Plasma. Platelets. What makes your blood so special?
Blood transfusions
Like all medical treatment, a transfusion should only be given when it is really necessary.