Explore the eight major blood groups
About this blood type
Group O- blood can be given to almost anyone, making it an extremely valuable resource for emergencies where blood is needed immediately. This universal quality means additional stocks of O- are needed to provide standby cover.
If you’re an O- donor who gives blood at Aberdeen, Glasgow or Edinburgh Donor Centre, you may be able to give platelets.
Patients this blood type can help
O negative
A negative
B negative
AB negative
O positive
A positive
B positive
AB positive
O negative stats in Scotland
O- stats in Scotland
O negative current stock level
O- current stock level
About this blood type
Although group A blood is the second largest blood group in Scotland, type A- blood is relatively rare. If you’re an A- donor who gives blood at Aberdeen, Glasgow or Edinburgh Donor Centre, you may be able to give platelets.
Patients this blood type can help
A negative
AB negative
A positive
AB positive
A negative stats in Scotland
A- stats in Scotland
A negative current stock level
A- current stock level
About this blood type
11% of the Scottish population have group B blood. However, only 2% have type B-, making it the second rarest blood type in Scotland. If you’re a B- donor who gives blood at one of our city donor centres (in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow or Inverness), you may be able to give plasma.
Patients this blood type can help
B negative
AB negative
B positive
AB positive
B negative stats in Scotland
B- stats in Scotland
B negative current stock level
B- current stock level
About this blood type
Type AB- is the rarest blood type in Scotland. In fact, If you have AB- blood, you're one of less than 27,000 people. If you’re an AB- donor who gives blood at one of our city donor centres (in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow or Inverness), you may be able to give plasma.
Patients this blood type can help
AB negative
AB positive
AB negative stats in Scotland
AB- stats in Scotland
AB negative current stock level
AB- current stock level
About this blood type
More than two million people in Scotland have type O+ blood, making it the most common blood type in Scotland. This means that although there will always be more potential O+ donors, there will also be more O+ patients.
If you’re an O+ donor who gives blood at Aberdeen, Glasgow or Edinburgh Donor Centre, you may be able to give plasma or platelets.
If you’re an O+ donor who gives blood at Dundee or Inverness Donor Centre, you may be able to give plasma.
Patients this blood type can help
O positive
A positive
B positive
AB positive
O positive stats in Scotland
O+ stats in Scotland
O positive current stock level
O+ current stock level
About this blood type
More than a quarter of Scotland's population have type A+ blood. This makes it the second most common blood group in Scotland. If you’re an A+ donor who gives blood at Aberdeen, Glasgow or Edinburgh Donor Centre, you may be able to give platelets.
Patients this blood type can help
A positive
AB positive
A positive stats in Scotland
A+ stats in Scotland
A positive current stock level
A+ current stock level
About this blood type
11% of the Scottish population have group B blood. The majority of these have people have type B+ blood - nearly half a million people. If you’re a B+ donor who gives blood at one of our city donor centres (in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow or Inverness), you may be able to give plasma.
Patients this blood type can help
B positive
AB positive
B positive stats in Scotland
B+ stats in Scotland
B positive current stock level
B+ current stock level
About this blood type
Around 3% of Scotland's population have our rarest blood group, AB. Most of this group have type AB+, but it is still the third rarest blood type in the country. If you’re an AB+ donor who gives blood at one of our city donor centres (in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow or Inverness), you may be able to give plasma.
Patients this blood type can help
AB positive stats in Scotland
AB+ stats in Scotland
AB positive current stock level
AB+ current stock level