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12 December 2024

Caoimhe's story


Caoimhe Duignan (34) received her first life-saving transfusion within the first few hours of her life.

Born with severe jaundice, Caoimhe needed a full body transfusion at birth. Following a period of sustained illness, at just five years old she was diagnosed with hereditary spherocytosis - a condition where her red blood cells are very fragile, and ball-shaped rather than the usual discs.

Over the last few decades, Caoimhe's periods of good health have been interspersed with multiple transfusions. These take place when her body goes into a 'haemolitic crisis' - meaning she becomes severely anaemic, her immune system goes into overdrive and she is unable to generate her own new red cells. At this point, the only option has been to undergo transfusions, often triple doses, in order to make her well. Sometime the slightest illness can cause significant illness and blood donations could be the only treatment that can help.

The couple's visit to the Edinburgh Donor Centre gave Caoimhe the opportunity to see blood donors in action, from a perspective she hadn't seen before. Watching real life blood, platelet and plasma donations was quite an emotional experience, not only for Caoimhe but for one donor in particular, Shirran, who chatted with Caoimhe throughout her donation. Caoimhe's heartfelt thank you at the end of her visit was a humbling moment for all in the donor centre that day.

'As a patient, you often wonder who gave their time and their blood. Meeting the staff and the donors today was amazing. It's something I'll never forget and I'm so pleased I was able to do it.'

Meanwhile, partner Mike Ward (37) has been rallying the troops at the couples place of work, Hawksmoor Edinburgh. Supporting Caoimhe and other patients across Scotland, Mike is encouraging anyone that is able to come forward and give blood. His message to 80+ colleagues at the company's Edinburgh base is, 'If you want someone to go with you, I'll chum you. We can go during your shift and put our paid volunteering time to good use.'

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Wednesday 26 March

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types