Luke's story
Sam from Stirling thanks donors for her son Luke’s life saving transfusions.
"This is my son Luke. Born in Stirling Royal Infirmary almost nine weeks early, he was very unwell and we weren't allowed even a cuddle until he was five days old. He spent his first eight weeks of life in hospital and needed an operation at Yorkhill Hospital before he could come home for the first time. Because of this, he needed a blood transfusion - a tiny amount of blood to us, but an amount that made a huge difference to a baby born at 2lb 9oz.

"Luke received just 40mls of blood prior to his operation when he was around 7 weeks old. He was born at 31 weeks and hadn't even been home yet. 40mls is such a teeny amount but a total lifesaver for a wee 2lb baby. The operation went fine and he was allowed home soon after. We were delighted when Luke finally came home and we could start life as a family.

"Now Luke is in Primary Four and the absolute light of my life. I give blood regularly, almost 40 donations now. But my blood group is different to Luke's, so we relied on donors and I'll be forever grateful to them. We just always assume blood will be there when we need it but without donors, it won't be. I am eternally grateful to other blood donors."
- Have you ever wondered who your blood group could help? Find out more about your blood type.