The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service produces a number of leaflets about giving blood. These materials are available at blood donor centres and community sessions across Scotland.
Info for new donors
- Welcome pack
- Corporate welcome pack
- Giving blood: Process, risks and information (Donor information leaflet)
- After giving blood (post donation card)
- Bruising: Advice for donors
- Data protection notice
- Fainting: Advice for donors
- FAIR: New questions for donors
- Female blood donors aged 17-19
- Giving blood: Process, risks and information (Donor information leaflet)
- Giving plasma
- Giving platelets
- Haemochromatosis and blood donation
- Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) testing
- How to become a blood donor
- High haemoglobin and blood donation
- HLA High specification platelet donors
- HPA High specification platelet donors
- Low haemoglobin and blood donation
- Neonatal platelet donors
- Nerve irritation or injury
- Plasma: Information about your haematocrit levels
- Plasma: Information about your platelet count
- Plasma: Information about your white blood cell count
- Testing for blood-borne infections
- Travel information for blood donors
- Volunteering for genetic blood type testing
- Donor health check form (sample)
- FAIR Equality Impact Assessment
- FAIR Report
- FAIR Report (Executive summary)
- Height and weight chart for female blood donors
- Muscle tensing exercise card
- Research project: Information for blood donors
- Scotland Plasma for Medicines Programme Clinician Leaflet
- Troubleshooting the Online Donor Account