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22 November 2024

STV hosts a successful blood donation drive


News just in . . . there’s been a headline grabbing donation drive by a top TV team.

STV staff, who help to make Scotland's nightly news show, donated blood and plasma recently.

Almost 30 colleagues across their Edinburgh, London and Glasgow office joined in.

Colleagues across their Edinburgh, London and Glasgow office gave blood.

It was all done to mark the recent World Kindness Day and support the current festive appeal for donations as highlighted by STV News.

I always mean to give blood but find life gets in the way. I need to change that mindset, as the contribution you make to people's lives by donating is invaluable. Derek McLaughlin STV Assistant Producer

Assistant Producer in STV News, Derek McLaughlin said: 'Like many others, I always mean to give blood but find life gets in the way.

'However, I need to change that mindset, as the contribution you make to people's lives by donating is invaluable.

'Everyone at the centre is friendly and welcoming - and, if helping someone who needs a blood transfusion isn't enough to encourage you along, there's always a wee teacake at the end.'

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Friday 14 March

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types