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30 January 2025

Great to be back in Craigmount High School

Thank you to Craigmount High School - Edinburgh

04 February 2025

How do I open an online donor account?

How do I open an online donor account?

Blood donor sessions in the North of Scotland are now run by appointment.

Thanks to Rt Hon Donald Wilson, Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh who hosted an event at The City Chambers promoting the give blood campaign to community representatives.

This time last year, 18 month old Ridley was receiving a transfusion, while waiting for the real Santa to arrive in a bigger suit and boots.

15 December 2016

A Daddy says thanks

When a group of his colleagues decided to give blood together at their local donor centre, Andrew joined in - to say a very special thank you.

Find out why Susan became a blood donor – then registered as a bone marrow donor.

We're asking male A and AB donors to make a special effort to give blood in the next few weeks, to help us produce a range of lifesaving blood products.

Want your friends to know you’ve given the gift of blood?  Share a #FestiveDonation selfie!

Change your profile pic and encourage your friends to give blood this December.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Monday 31 March

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types